Your Mississauga's Candidates Platform Ideas   2022

In an effort to save the People of Mississauga's time, I have collected the ideas and promises of each of the Candidates, and have posted them here.

They are not in any order of Candidates or Wards. I removed duplicates or grouped ideas where I could.  It is an interesting list of ideas.

Although I may not agree with all of these Ideologies, I can work with these people and their ideas to improve Mississauga.

Here's the catch!

When elected, I will reach out to each Candidate. With a list of their commitments, we will create a timeline, budget, and website where the People of Mississauga can view the progress and report on its success and where it falls short.  Collaboration Is Key.

Parks -Our parks need a major upgrade, including safety, tree maintenance and the pathways are clear

Traffic - We need to deal with the unprecedented traffic

Crime - Deal with the rise in crime

Red Tape Reduction - There are several outdated rules

Taxes - The unnecessary rise of property taxes

Communication - Working with the Peel Police and improve responsiveness of City Officials and staff

Community - Preserve and improve our Family-Friendly community.

Infrastructure - Improvements

Generation Gap - Narrow the generation gap

Senior Citizens – Support Senior Citizens Care in Home 

Affordable Housing - Ensure development includes affordable housing options

Business Support - Small medium and large business and youth employment

Coyote Safety – Community and Coyote safety

Technology based Transit - More mass transit

Future Vision - A sustainable vision for our communities

encouraging better coordination and timing of projects

Community Training - Recycling of clothing, household items & encourage more re-purposing

Safe Cycling – Training and encouragement of Safe Cycling

Reduce Poverty - Priority Outreach Sessions

Adequate Emergency Services - Adequate Emergency Services as the population continues to grow

Shared Living Space - Offering incentives and rolling out a plan for shared living space

LRT - Accelerate Hurontario LRT

Development Ideas - Bring re-development projects with commercial components

Quality of Living - Make Peel Housing units better, cleaner & safer

Building Permits - Deliver permits faster

Parking - Increase parking spaces

By-Law Standards - Ensuring current By-Law Standards are maintained and outdated Bylaws are revised

Modern Challenges - Remain resilient in the face of Modern Challenges like Climate Change.

Gentle Density - Developing a responsible plan for Gentle Density

E-Vehicles - Encouraging greater use of E-Vehicles by expanding access to charging stations.

Modern Leadership - Modern Governments must be transparent and accountable

Federal and Provincial - Better collaboration with Federal and Provincial Governments

Holistic Approach – On Issues, include Policing, Health, Social Services, Ambulance, Planning, Waste Management, and Water & Waste Water

Collaboration - Collaboration Is Key

“Magic trick: to make people disappear, ask them to fulfill their promises.” – Mason Cooley