TOPCA Debate Information

In the email regarding the TOPCA Debate Information, we received some information about the types of question we should expect to ensure a lively and engaging dialogue. This approach allows us to avoid monotonous exchanges and keep the conversation fresh. Additionally, we have been informed that we will have the opportunity to address some of these questions during our closing statements.

To be efficient, I have prepared answers to  some the questions and created a website to offer everyone a clear view of what my two-year platform will look like. 

A good idea that isn't shared is essentially, no idea at all.

Question: Housing. How do you as the next mayor, fix the city and get housing started? 

Answer: Mississauga's housing shortfall in 2023 is a pressing issue, and as the next mayor, I plan to address it by using the province's new Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes act

This legislation requires municipalities to take significant steps to tackle this issue. Here's how the requirements will improve housing in Mississauga and are non-negatable and MUST BE IMPLIMENTED :

Cutting Red Tape: Simplifying and expediting planning approvals is key. By addressing delays in the planning process, we can accelerate housing development and get priority projects underway.

Building More Student Housing: Increasing student housing will help address affordability for students and free up other housing options for residents.

"Use It or Lose It" for Developers: By implementing the "use it or lose it" approach, we'll ensure developers move forward with approved projects promptly, preventing land banking.

Eliminating Parking Minimums: Removing parking minimums from new developments will reduce costs and make it easier and more affordable to build housing.

Easing Additional Residential Unit Construction: Facilitating the construction of additional residential units in existing structures will increase housing supply and provide more affordable options.

Standardizing Housing Designs: Streamlining housing designs will lower costs and simplify compliance with building codes.

These are just a few measures, but together, they will help us build a vibrant, diverse, and affordable housing market in Mississauga that serves families, end-users, and students.

Question: Transportation. How do we encourage an increase in ridership?

Answer: The issue of increasing ridership in Mississauga is a challenge that requires innovative solutions to encourage ridership.

By improving bus service and making it a more attractive and convenient option, we can support affordable living and a more sustainable city.

Addressing scheduling concerns is key. I've created an in-depth video with solutions to increase the efficiency of bus schedules using the transponders and the Traffic Management System, a major issue for many users. By fine-tuning bus timing and routes, we can provide more reliable service that meets the needs of the community.     VIDEO

Integrating a virtual Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system with our Traffic Management System will help speed up traffic and improve bus services. This synergy will create smoother and faster journeys for passengers, making public transportation more appealing.     VIDEO

Additionally, the BIKE AND BUS FOR FREE initiative encourages cyclists to use public transit for the longer parts of their journey at no cost. This not only promotes sustainable transportation but also provides valuable data to identify areas where new bike lanes could be beneficial.    VIDEO

Bus stops equipped with information monitors will offer real-time updates on bus arrival times, passenger load, and holiday schedules. This information will help passengers plan their trips more effectively and choose the best routes.

By implementing these strategies, we can enhance the appeal of public transit in Mississauga, leading to an increase in ridership and a reduction in car traffic. This, in turn, will support more affordable living and a greener city for all.

Question: Safer Communities: How will you find the solution to a record high for break-and-enters. 

Answer: In recent weeks, we have seen positive outcomes from implementing ideas from the summit held a few months ago, such as enhanced cargo screening and surveillance. However, we must continue our efforts.

Mayor Patrick Brown recently met with the Prime Minister and presented new strategies, one of which requires immediate implementation. CP Rail is outside the local police jurisdiction, and by the time a warrant is issued, the recoverable stolen merchandise may already be gone. Mayor Brown has requested that all law enforcement officers be given jurisdiction over CP Rail to prevent this loophole from being exploited. This is a strong idea, but there are other issues in our city beyond car theft.

We must also address speeding, noise pollution, and uninsured driving. My technology-based solution aims to tackle these problems and free up our law enforcement to focus on break-ins, car theft, gun crime, and other serious offenses.      VIDEO

I believe we need more community police centers in our neighborhoods to increase police presence. 

Let's expand our focus to encompass all crimes in Mississauga. By making it harder to commit crimes here, we can deter criminals from targeting our city.

Question: Environment: How will you protect our trees and grow green space?

Answer: Protecting the environment requires innovative solutions. Cities around the world are implementing various strategies to protect green spaces enhance flood resilience and balance development with environmental sustainability. Why not us. 

Green infrastructure: We need to start using green infrastructure to manage stormwater reduce flooding using green roofs rain gardens and permeable pavement. 

Strengthening urban forestry. We need more tree planting programs and stronger tree protection bylaws with incentives for private landowners to plant trees. 

Encouraging low impact development. We need to include practices aimed to minimize environmental impact by preserving natural features and reducing impervious surfaces. 

To address the specific challenges facing Mississauga's Credit Valley watershed, a combination of these approaches may be necessary, along with collaboration among various stakeholders and a commitment to balancing development with environmental sustainability. 
