Your Priorities are Our Priorities

As a proud member of this vibrant community, I am honored to embark on a journey to serve you. 

Our city is a mosaic of diverse voices, and I am committed to representing each one of you with dedication, transparency, and an unwavering passion for positive change.

Throughout my conversations with you, the residents of Mississauga, your priorities have echoed loud and clear. I present a collective vision that we will build together, addressing the pressing issues that matter most to our community.

1.       Dissolution:


In the 2022 Mayoral Race, I stood alone, opposing the separation of Mississauga from Peel. My stance was rooted in the concern that there were potential impact on services and higher costs of living. While the Ontario Government has since repealed the decision, if elected, I remain committed to advocating against the separation throughout my two terms in office.


2.       Housing Affordability Crisis:


Launch a Community Land Trust Initiative, collaborating with developers to allocate city-owned lands to community-led organizations for the development of affordable housing projects, ensuring long-term affordability.


Institute a Mixed-Income Zoning Policy, collaborating with developers to designate certain areas for mixed-income housing developments, promoting economic diversity and addressing the housing affordability crisis.


Create an Affordable Housing Design Competition, inviting architects and developers to submit innovative, cost-effective designs for affordable housing projects on city-owned lands, fostering creative solutions to the affordability challenge.


3.       Safe Consumption Sites:


Implement a Community Health Forum Series, hosting a series of specialized forums that address substance abuse and safe consumption, allowing for in-depth discussions and community input on potential sites and support services.


Launch a Peer Education Program, employing individuals with lived experience to engage with the community through workshops and awareness campaigns, providing firsthand perspectives on the importance of safe consumption sites and fostering open dialogue.


Develop a Mobile Outreach Unit, taking town hall meetings on the road to various neighborhoods, ensuring accessibility and active community participation in discussions about the establishment of safe consumption sites and related services.


4.       Auto Theft:


Integrate Predictive Policing Technology: Implement advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to predict potential auto theft hotspots, allowing law enforcement to proactively allocate resources and prevent incidents.


Develop a Community Watch App: Create a mobile application that enables residents to report suspicious activities, share real-time information, and engage in a collaborative effort with law enforcement to combat auto theft in their neighborhoods.


Utilize Smart Surveillance Systems: Install intelligent surveillance cameras equipped with license plate recognition and real-time tracking capabilities in identified auto theft hotspots, providing law enforcement with valuable data for targeted interventions and investigations.


5.       Public Transit:


Establish a city-wide smart transit system, incorporating advanced technology for real-time tracking, data analytics, and predictive modeling to dynamically optimize routes based on evolving usage patterns.


Launch a collaborative initiative with tech companies to develop a comprehensive transit app that provides real-time updates, personalized route suggestions, and integrates seamlessly with other transportation modes, enhancing overall transit efficiency.


Create a Transit Innovation Fund, inviting tech start-ups and private enterprises to propose and implement innovative solutions that leverage cutting-edge technology to improve real-time tracking, route optimization, and the overall efficiency of the city's transit network.


6.       Bloor Street Car Lane Reduction:


Launch a pilot program for temporary lane reduction on Bloor Street, closely monitoring traffic impact and collecting community feedback to inform a data-driven decision on the potential permanent installation of bike lanes.


Implement a participatory urban planning approach, organizing community workshops and charrettes to gather input on the Bloor Street car lane reduction and bike lane installation, ensuring diverse perspectives shape the final decisions.


Establish a Bloor Street Mobility Task Force, composed of transportation experts, urban planners, and community representatives, to conduct an in-depth traffic impact study and propose solutions, prioritizing informed decision-making and community engagement.


7.       Traffic Congestion:


Introduce an Intelligent Traffic Management Pilot Program and systems to monitor and optimize traffic flow dynamically, reducing congestion and enhancing overall transportation efficiency.


Develop a City Mobility Innovation Fund to support research and implementation of cutting-edge technologies, such as smart traffic lights and traffic prediction algorithms, aimed at alleviating congestion through sustainable and efficient transportation solutions.


Collaborate with urban planners and environmental experts to design and implement Green Corridors, prioritizing sustainable transportation modes like cycling and electric vehicles, coupled with smart traffic management systems, to create eco-friendly and congestion-free routes.


8.       Infrastructure Investment:


Establish a Municipal Infrastructure Investment Task Force to actively engage with federal and provincial authorities, presenting a comprehensive plan highlighting key projects that align with economic growth and improved city livability, thus securing increased funding.


Launch a Public-Private Partnership (P3) Initiative to attract private investment in crucial infrastructure projects, supplementing federal and provincial funding and accelerating the implementation of initiatives that enhance both economic vitality and the overall quality of life in the city.


Develop a Strategic Infrastructure Investment Plan, aligning city priorities with federal and provincial objectives, and actively advocate for funding by demonstrating the direct economic and livability benefits derived from strategic infrastructure development.


9.       Homelessness:


Institute a Homelessness Prevention Program, working in collaboration with social service agencies to provide targeted support and resources to individuals and families at risk of homelessness, aiming to address the root causes pre-emptively.


Establish a Housing First Initiative, prioritizing the development of supportive housing units, coupled with comprehensive social services, to provide a stable foundation for individuals experiencing homelessness and addressing the underlying issues contributing to their situation.


Launch a Public-Private Partnership for Homelessness Solutions, inviting businesses and philanthropic organizations to collaborate with social service agencies in expanding shelter capacity and implementing innovative, sustainable housing solutions for the homeless population.


10.   Climate Change:


Implement a Green Building Certification Program, incentivizing property owners to adopt environmentally friendly practices in construction and renovations, aligning with the city's climate action plan goals.


Establish a Citywide Renewable Energy Partnership, fostering collaborations with local businesses and energy providers to increase the use of renewable energy sources, contributing to the overall reduction of the city's carbon footprint.


Launch a Climate Education Initiative, integrating sustainability education into school curricula and organizing community workshops to raise awareness and empower residents to actively participate in the city's efforts to combat climate change.


11.   Diversity and Inclusion:


Institute a Diversity and Inclusion Certification Program for Businesses, recognizing and rewarding organizations that actively address systemic barriers, promote diversity in hiring, and contribute to fostering an inclusive workplace culture.


Develop a Cultural Exchange Program, collaborating with local schools, businesses, and community groups to facilitate cross-cultural interactions, breaking down stereotypes and enhancing understanding, thereby promoting diversity and inclusion.


Host an Annual Diversity and Inclusion Summit, bringing together community leaders, businesses, and residents to discuss strategies, share best practices, and collectively work towards creating a more inclusive city.


12.   Economic Development:


Launch a Business Accelerator Program, providing start-ups and small businesses with mentorship, resources, and streamlined access to necessary permits, fostering a dynamic and supportive business ecosystem.


Establish an Industry-Academia Partnership, collaborating with local educational institutions to tailor curricula to the needs of emerging industries, ensuring a steady supply of skilled graduates to drive economic development.


Institute an Innovation Grants Program, offering financial incentives for businesses that pioneer innovative solutions, encouraging a culture of entrepreneurship and attracting forward-thinking industries to the city.


13.   Affordable Childcare:


Implement a Mobile Childcare Unit, bringing quality childcare services directly to underserved communities, thereby increasing accessibility for families facing transportation challenges.


Launch a Public-Private Partnership for Childcare Accessibility, inviting local businesses to contribute to a fund that supports the expansion of childcare capacity and the provision of subsidies for low-income families.


Institute a Flexible Work Arrangement Program, collaborating with employers to create childcare-friendly workplace policies, facilitating a balance between work and childcare responsibilities for working parents.


14.   Mental Health:


Establish a Mental Health Awareness Campaign, leveraging various media channels and community events to promote understanding, empathy, and destigmatization of mental health challenges.


Develop a Mental Health Resource Hub, offering a centralized online platform providing information, resources, and access to mental health services, making support more easily accessible for residents.


Collaborate with local employers to implement Mental Health First Aid Training for employees, creating a supportive workplace culture that prioritizes mental health and equips staff with the skills to recognize and address mental health issues.


15.   Public Safety:


Launch New Neighborhood Watch Programs, encouraging residents to actively participate in community safety by fostering partnerships with law enforcement, organizing regular meetings, and implementing crime prevention strategies.


Develop a Public Safety Youth Ambassador Program, engaging young community members in promoting safety initiatives and bridging the gap between law enforcement and youth through educational campaigns and events.


Establish a Citywide Safety Forum, bringing together law enforcement, community leaders, and residents to discuss public safety concerns, share ideas, and collaboratively develop strategies to enhance the overall safety of the city.


16.   Arts and Culture:


Create an Artist-in-Residence Program, inviting local artists to collaborate with urban planners, architects, and community members to integrate artistic elements into public spaces and urban developments.


Launch a Cultural Innovation Grant, providing financial support for innovative arts and culture projects that contribute to the city's identity and engage diverse communities.


Host a Citywide Arts Festival, showcasing the talents of local artists through public performances, exhibitions, and interactive installations, fostering a sense of community pride and appreciation for arts and culture.


17.   Urban Design:


Establish a Community Design Initiative, involving residents in the co-creation of urban spaces through workshops, surveys, and design charrettes, ensuring diverse perspectives contribute to city planning.


Implement a Tactical Urbanism Program, allowing for temporary, low-cost interventions in public spaces to test and gather community feedback on potential permanent urban design improvements.


Develop a Public Art Integration Project, collaborating with local artists to incorporate public art installations into urban design, transforming city spaces into vibrant and aesthetically pleasing environments.


18.   Public Engagement:


Introduce a Civic Tech Platform, providing an interactive online space where residents can engage in real-time discussions, polls, and contribute ideas on various city matters, fostering continuous and accessible public engagement.


Host a Citywide Innovation Challenge, inviting residents to propose creative solutions to local challenges through an online platform, promoting community-driven problem-solving and active civic participation.


Establish a Neighborhood Advisory Council, organizing regular virtual town hall meetings that bring together residents, local officials, and community leaders to discuss issues, share updates, and collaboratively shape neighborhood policies.


19.   Transit-Oriented Development:


Establish a Transit-Oriented Development Grant Program, offering financial incentives to developers who prioritize sustainable and accessible design in their projects around transit hubs, fostering a seamless integration of transit options.


Create a Transit-Oriented Zoning Framework, providing zoning incentives and streamlined approval processes for developments that align with transit-oriented principles, encouraging private investment in projects centered around transit hubs.


Form a Public-Private Transit Partnership, collaborating with private stakeholders to jointly invest in transit-oriented developments, combining city resources and private expertise to create vibrant, sustainable urban spaces around transit hubs.


20.   Active Transportation:


Launch a Citywide Active Transportation Challenge, encouraging residents and businesses to propose innovative ideas for expanding cycling lanes and pedestrian-friendly zones, fostering community engagement and ownership in the development of active transportation infrastructure.


Implement an Active Commuter Incentive Program, offering tax breaks or incentives to businesses that actively support employees using alternative modes of transportation, thereby promoting the expansion of cycling lanes and pedestrian-friendly zones.


Collaborate with local schools and community organizations to establish an Active Transportation Education Campaign, educating residents about the benefits of alternative transportation modes and garnering support for the development and expansion of cycling lanes and pedestrian-friendly zones.


21.   Food Security:


Launch a Citywide Farmers' Market Initiative, creating accessible spaces for local farmers to sell their produce directly to residents, promoting local agriculture and ensuring fresh, affordable options for all.


Establish a Food Security Partnership Program, fostering collaborations between the city government, local businesses, and food banks to create sustainable solutions for addressing hunger and increasing access to nutritious food.


Develop a Community Greening Project, transforming underutilized urban spaces into community gardens, providing residents with opportunities to grow their own produce and contributing to overall food security in the city.


22.   Heritage Preservation:


Establish a Heritage Conservation Grant Program, offering financial incentives to property owners for the restoration and adaptive reuse of historical buildings, preserving the city's cultural heritage.


Create a Heritage Trail Initiative, developing curated walking or cycling routes that showcase historical landmarks and encourage public engagement with the city's heritage, fostering a sense of pride and awareness.


Institute a Heritage Impact Assessment Framework, integrating heritage considerations into the urban planning approval process, ensuring that new developments respect and contribute to the preservation of the city's historical character.


23.   Environmental Sustainability:


Launch a Green Roof Incentive Program, offering financial incentives to property owners who install green roofs, contributing to both environmental sustainability and the overall aesthetic appeal of the city.


Establish a Citywide Waste Reduction Challenge, encouraging businesses, residents, and community groups to implement innovative waste reduction initiatives, with recognition and rewards for the most impactful projects.


Develop a Sustainable Transportation Network, prioritizing the expansion of bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly zones, and electric vehicle charging stations, promoting eco-friendly modes of transportation and reducing the city's carbon footprint.
